Rstudio Server

RStudio is a integrated development environment (IDE) for R. Also free, open source and multi-platform. It includes a console, graphic device, debugger, command history, and workspace management just like a Matlab environment.


To download and install RStudio Server. Execute the following commands. Note that gdebi should be installed first.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gdebi-core
$ wget
$ sudo gdebi rstudio-server-0.99.491-amd64.deb

To verify your installation, excute following command:

$ sudo rstudio-server verify-installation

Simple Configuration

Simple commands for start/stop/restart server

$ sudo rstudio-server stop
$ sudo rstudio-server start
$ sudo rstudio-server restart

The default port for Rstudio server is 8787. That means any can connect to the server through the URL http://:8787.
If you wish to change to another port, you should add following configuration into /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf file. For example:


Note that after any configuration, always restart server to apply your changes.

$ sudo rstudio-server restart

Other tips:

  • The users in Rstudio server are references to users of system.
  • Each user needs to be created with a home directory.
  • More tips on Rstudio server support.

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